Directory structure in detail:
In SAP Transport Basics: 3, we saw TMS directory structure.
Now we’ll check what it actually contains.
The sub directories required in
the common transport directory include:
- bin: Configuration files for tp (TP_<DOMAINNAME>.PFL) and TMS (DOMAIN.CFG).
- data: Exported data.
- Old data: Old exported data (to be archived or deleted).
- log: Transport logs, trace files, and statistics.
- actlog: Action logs for all tasks and requests.
- buffer: Transport buffer for the each system, indicating which transports are to be imported.
- cofiles: Attributes of datafile (Command or change request information files that include information on the transport type, object classes, required import steps, and post-processing exit codes).
- sapnames: Information pertaining to transport requests for each SAP user.
- EPS: Download directory for advanced corrections and Support Packages.
- tmp: Temporary data and log files.
When you release the Parent Request,
3 things happens:
Datafile created:
Actual Data i.e. physical recording of data exported into
datafile of OS.
Location: /usr/sap/trans/data
File name: R9<5 Digit No>.<SID>
e.g.: R900010.SHD
Cofile created:
Attributes of datafile.
Location: /usr/sap/trans/cofiles
File name: K9<5 Digit No>.<SID>
e.g. : K900010.SHD
Database Buffer of Target system is
This buffer is not related to memory, it is file system.
Buffer directory contains one file for each system.
Buffer file of DEV , QAS and PRD.
Import Queue of system is coming from buffer file.
e.g. T-code STMS --> MQS
Above import Queue of MQS is coming from buffer file of MQS.
Transport Request: <SID>K<5 Digit no>
We’ll see in next posts how & who updates these target
EXE files requires for Transport:
Tp.exe: (transport Control Program):
When you release the CR, tp is called (tp presents in Kernel
tp in turn calls another exe called R3trans.exe
R3trans.exe connects to the DB.(preset in Kernel Dir)
When tp.exe calls R3trans.exe it gets connected to DB (e.g.
DEV db).
It reads data from database & writes it into data &
cofiles of OS.
When Transport Request (TR) imported:
Workflow of tp & R3trans exe:
When CR released in DEV:
Tp calls R3trans.
Tp also append that Request no in target buffer file (here
R3trans connects to DB (DEV DB)
Reads data
Writes it into data & cofiles of OS
This process is known as Export.
Now CR becomes TR
When Transport Request (TR) imported:
Again tp calls R3trans
R3trans reads Request No. from buffer (Import Queue: QAS)
R3 trans reads data & co-files for that Request No.
R3trans connects to DB.
Writes data into database.
TR is imported (to QAS).
This process is known as Import.
TP.exe &R3trans.exe workflow |
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