Friday, February 22, 2013

Troubleshoot ORA-00020 Error

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (%s) exceeded

Error description:


1. Check SAP Note 830576

2. First check whether you are able to connect to DB or not.
    oraSID> sqlplus “ /as sysdba”

3. If result showing connected to idle instance that means your DB is down.
    Then start your database

4. If it is connected, then check no. of processes exists.
    SQL> show parameter process;

    SQL> select count (*) from v$process;


5. Check init<SID> parameter file also.(check process parameter).

6. Increase Process of you database instance:
    SQL> alter system set process = 500 scope = spfile;

7. Take bounce of the system:
    SQL> shutdown immediate;
    SQL> startup;

8. Check again process whether it is changed or not!