Tuesday, April 23, 2013

System Refresh: General steps of Backup Restore method

System Refresh Steps:
There are 2 ways of doing System Refresh:
1.       Backup & Restore method  (for comparatively small database size)
2.       Export/Import using SAPINST (for comparatively large database size)

Example: Source System is PRD & Target system is QAS.

Pre-system refresh activity:
  1. Check size of database in both QAS & PRD. (If space issue, then resolve it)
  2. Take offline backup of both QAS as well as PRD
  3. Check file system size in QAS (is there enough space or not!)
  4. Check support pack levels of both system & Compare it.
  5. Take export of RFCs, user master data, application data.
  6. TMS Screenshots of an existing system.
  7. Suspend the jobs by running report BTCTRNS1.
  8. Profile parameters.
  9. Down QAS system & database.
  10. Copy the QAS license in text file at OS level. (rename it so that it will save your time of applying new license. Once the activity completed apply same license then no need to download it again from OSS).
System Refresh Activity:

Backup Restore Method:

  1. Take a backup of Source system (PRD)
  2. Then Restore it on target system (QAS).                                                          
  3. oraqas>brrestore –m full –b <backup>.aft –c
  4. If backup is online (.ant)--> then restore & recover it.
  5. If Backup is offline (.aft)-->only Restore it. (here we are using offline backup)
  6. Once the restore is complete, After that create a trace file at source system (PRD). SQL>alter database backup controlfile to trace;
  7. Copy that trace file to target system QAS & edit it in target system.
  8. In trace file:Locate  “STARTUP NOMOUNT”  From current line till end delete everything.
  9. Then change SID PRD to QAS (:1,$S/PRD/QAS/g)
  10. Change Reuse to set
  11. Change Noresetlogs to resetlogs           
  12. Change Archivelog to Noarchivelog
  13. Now save this file as <tracefilename>.sql at location /oracle/QAS/saptrace/usertrace
  14. Once you complete the above step, create controlfile using trace file in target system QAS.    
  15. SQL>@<tracefilename>.sql
  16. SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
Post Refresh Activities:
  1. Delete the existing license as it represents the old SID : PRD.  
  2. Install the SAP license for SID QAS. 
  3. Reconfigure STMS (SE06). 
  4. Delete RFC from SM59. Import RFCs, User master data, application data. 
  5. Release the jobs (Run the report BTCTRNS2). 
  6. Maintain logical system name. 
  7. Execute SGEN. 
  8. Stop Archiving Process when SGEN is executed. 
  9. Import profiles of active servers. 
  10. SCC4 setting. 
  11. Take a backup of existing system QAS. 
  12. Health check monitoring.



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